Friday, January 21, 2011

little random facts

Lyndsay, from Scenic Glory did a post yesterday about little random facts from her life. So I wanted to share my own list with you guys as well. She originally got this idea from eat drink be a tourist.

eating/drinking: ritz crackers, strawberry Yoplait yogurt, a regular coke from JCW’s

listening to: 97.1 ZHT FM and spanish tunes from my iPod. Is anybody else obsessed with The Time - Dirty Bit from the black eyed peas? I love the rhythm that that song has!

pondering: about how I’m ever going to start that paper for pharmacology. I hate writing.  And I’m thinking about what the weekend will bring.

wearing: my new shirt from boheme boutique - taupe color with black lace across the front, ruffled sleeves. Skinny jeans. Black cowgirl boots. Pink watch. Hair curly and down.
anticipating: the weekend. Getting my taxes done and hopefully getting some money back.

baking: I don’t know what that word means...

reading: Nursing Interventions, Pharmacology textbooks. On the side when I get a chance which is never, PS I love you (have you guys seen that movie?), and I am number 4.

loving: every single moment in life. I love how much fun I’ve been having and the beautiful people that surround me. Coke. Pink things.

buying: this pink sweater I saw at the boutique the other day. I really really really want it.

If you do one like this let me know so I can read your list too! :)


  1. haha baking, you know what that means! JK Sounds like you have lots of reading to do!

  2. Haha! I do know what baking is, it's just that i don't know how to bake or cook. I really need to learn though. :)

  3. I love that you did a currently list too! I like your anticipating ... I can't wait to do my taxes and get some much needed money back as well! Can't wait to read more from you :) xoxo, Kels

  4. I haven't seen P.S. I Love You in forever... I think i'm going to rent it! ha

  5. i love these kind of things! you should join the 30 Day blogging challenge on my blog, it's the same idea :)

  6. Love your list - I'm going to have to do one of these. And I LOVE that picture!

  7. I have never seen/read PS I love you. The list is interesting, I might tweak mine a bit in the future :)

  8. Great post! It's fun getting to know other bloggers. That's an awesome picture by the way.

    XO, Katie
    Running on Happiness

  9. Those clothes are from F21 and!

  10. Just found your blog! I LOVE this game- such a good idea! I'm feeling a blog post comin on... ;)

  11. Ritz crackers with peanut butter are to die for!
