Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New: Lovin' Wednesdays

It seems like just about almost every blogger has a fun blankity blank day of the week.  So I'm going to do something fun for Wednesdays. They'll be called Lovin' Wednesdays. Wednesdays are the best day ever since they mark that the week is half way over and the weekend near! Yay! So today I'm lovin'...

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Her new CD. 
Thanks Aubrey
I listen to it every single day on my way to school or from work.

Taylor is so freakin' gorgeous.  
I can't help but envy her perfect hair. sigh. 
And I wish I had her eyes too.

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One of my biggest addictions... 
I swear I have one like every single day.

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I can't stand cats, but sure love dogs.  
Isn't he cute?
My boyfriend has an American Bulldog and he's the cutest dog ever! 
I need to take some pics so I can show you. 
I'm sure you would fall in love with him too.

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Shopping.  It's what I do best. :)

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And to end off...
I don't know if you already knew this but Pink is my favor color. 
Like you couldn't already tell from my background eh?
It's fun, girly, and just plain lovely.

What are you lovin' today?


  1. I want to go get my nails done now. Lol. :)

  2. I lovee Tay Swift! I still don't have her cd though :( but I love Better Than Revenge!

  3. @Sam I know I can't remember the last time I got my nails done...

    @Brooke You so need to get her newest cd. I can't stop listening to it!
