Friday, November 26, 2010

Show N Tell: Boyfriend's Bday Present

Hope ya'll had a fabulous Thanksgiving! My Thanksgiving was delicious! 
I think I'm still full.

Anyway, you know how I told you that it was my boyfriend's birthday yesterday?  
Wanna see what I gave him...

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When we went to the mall a couple of weeks ago, he mentioned how much he really liked this jacket and said how he was going to buy it later on. 
But I beat him to it!

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He had kind of hinted that he wanted a new watch.

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This movie came out on DVD just in time for his birthday.
When it first came out in theaters we went and saw it twice, 
and now we've seen it twice at his place as well.
I think this just might be his new favorite movie.
Probably because it's action packed! 

He really loved his present.  
Mission accomplished. :)


  1. he got tons of things! Love them!

  2. You are so sweet! Happy Birthday to him!


  3. Those are such nice gifts! I love that jacket!

  4. I HATED the expendables.
    so good for you for making it through it 3 times!

  5. I know! Forever 21 is awesome and yes I changed it a little!
