Lyndsay, from Scenic Glory did a post yesterday about little random facts from her life. So I wanted to share my own list with you guys as well. She originally got this idea from eat drink be a tourist.
eating/drinking: ritz crackers, strawberry Yoplait yogurt, a regular coke from JCW’s
listening to: 97.1 ZHT FM and spanish tunes from my iPod. Is anybody else obsessed with The Time - Dirty Bit from the black eyed peas? I love the rhythm that that song has!
pondering: about how I’m ever going to start that paper for pharmacology. I hate writing. And I’m thinking about what the weekend will bring.
wearing: my new shirt from boheme boutique - taupe color with black lace across the front, ruffled sleeves. Skinny jeans. Black cowgirl boots. Pink watch. Hair curly and down.
anticipating: the weekend. Getting my taxes done and hopefully getting some money back.
baking: I don’t know what that word means...
reading: Nursing Interventions, Pharmacology textbooks. On the side
loving: every single moment in life. I love how much fun I’ve been having and the beautiful people that surround me. Coke. Pink things. ♥
buying: this pink sweater I saw at the boutique the other day. I really really really want it.
buying: this pink sweater I saw at the boutique the other day. I really really really want it.
If you do one like this let me know so I can read your list too! :)